Corporate Media in Business as a Channel of Internal Marketing


UDC 007:070.48

Corporate Media in Business as a Channel of Internal Marketing

Tetiana Rykychyna, Master Student Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article studies the essence of corporate communications in terms of the company’s internal marketing using the example of corporate media of the companies “Lufthansa”, “Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych”  TZMO) and “Rostok-Holding”. The study of the actual corporate media materials of these companies was done with applying the descriptive method and qualitative- quantitative analysis. The importance of corporate communications in the overall marketing strategy of the company and corporate media as a channel of internal marketing, their state of development abroad and in the domestic business sector has been ascertained.

KEYWORDS: corporate media; corporate communications; internal marketing; brand communications; business communications


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