National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media

UDC 007:81`42:[397:659.123.5 +2.019.51](477)


National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media

Alina Rudchenko, PhD Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The media represent not only reality into the public informational space, but they often misrepresent it through myths and stereotypes. In particular, national and ethnic myths can be the reason of physical aggression against representatives of certain ethnic group in the society.

The methodology of our study is frame analysis which determines how the media provide information about the representatives of Gypsies group. Our main objective is to investigate the meanings which journalists put into appropriate nominations.

The result of the study is development of the typology of myths and hate speech which is based on these myths. The topic needs future research and monitoring. The cases of physical aggression against gypsies in the Ukrainian society indicate that the media should change their speech and make it in conformity with world standards of humanism.

Conclusion of the research: The most popular Ukrainian Internet media use myths as a basis of hate speech. The majority of publications about the ethnic group we study are negative and discriminatory. In publications on the selected topic, the journalists often do not conform to journalistic standards, in particular, balance of opinions.

KEYWORDS: media; myth; stereotype; hate speech; nationality; Gypsies.


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