UDC 007:[37.016:[070 + 004]:061.2]
DOI https://doi.org/10.17721/2522-1272.2018.71.3
Public Sector as a Leading Player in the Modern Field of Media Education Activity
Olha Harmatiy, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
The main objectives of the study: on the basis of consideration of the media education initiatives of nongovernmental organizations that work in Ukraine, to find out the importance of public sector in establishment and development of media education in Ukraine.
Methodology. The study was done using a set of interrelated research methods. Analysis and synthesis when studying the activities of non-governmental organizations in media education branch have been used in this work. The descriptive and analytical method has been used for studying scientific and methodological literature. The method of generalization has been used to conclude the research and to summarize the study results.
Results and conclusions. Media education in Ukraine from the sphere of interest of narrow specialists and enthusiasts, under the pressure of modern challenges, first of all, the war and propaganda, has transformed into the necessary activity for the public. The great importance of public sector in development of media education is a positive trend for Ukraine. And although this is not a unique phenomenon in the global context, because literacy projects are implemented by non-governmental organizations in many countries, the public sector in Ukraine plays a leading role in media literacy development. Today, the most medialiteracy projects in Ukraine are initiated by the public. In the field of media education, a number of nongovernmental organizations work fruitfully, the main areas of their activity are: publication of their own or translated editions, as well as conducting the trainings and internships, scientific and practical conferences, creation of specialized internet portals, interactive online games. Consequently the foreign partners promote actively the Ukrainian public initiatives in such work, providing advisory activities and financial donations.
KEYWORDS: media literacy; media education; public sector; non-governmental organization.
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