The Specifics of the Youtube Project of the Central Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at the Beginning of the Active Phase of the Russian-Ukrainian War

10.17721/2522-1272.2023.82.9 (DOI)

UDC [654.19:004.738.5]:355.40.(045)

Maksym Prauta, adjunct (staff), Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
0000-0003-2416-2269 (ORCID)


The main objective of the study is to find out what changes occurred in the work of the Youtube project of the Central Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with the beginning of Russia‘s full-scale aggression against Ukraine (in the period from February 24 to May 31, 2022).

Methodology. The methods of content and thematic analysis and data systematization are used in the article. The data visualization method is used for quick perception of information for the third-party users. The factor method made it possible to study the influence of individual factors on the effective indicators of the studied Youtube channel. The comparative method was used when comparing the results and evaluation of Youtube channels, that allowed to demonstrate the general trend.

Results, conclusions. In the conditions of the beginning of the active phase of the RussianUkrainian war, the Central Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was forced to reorganize its work and content. The produced content began to be covered exclusively through the official Youtube channel “Military Television of Ukraine”.

The growth of the channel‘s audience in the first three months of the active phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war became possible due to ―aggressiveness‖ and uniqueness of the content: about combat operations, losses of Russian troops in manpower and military hardware, invincibility, feats and professionalism of the Ukrainian soldiers.

A characteristic feature of the Youtube project of the Central Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ―Military Television of Ukraine‖ is in its positioning as an official source of information from the military command about the execution of assigned tasks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is an important instrument of the state propaganda for supporting and promoting the civilizational choice of Ukraine through the armed forces as a guarantor of reliable protection of this choice.

The content of the Central Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine can either be offered to the national TV channels, or become the basis of broadcast of a separate military TV channel in the case of making a decision on its creation.

KEYWORDS: Ministry of Defense; Armed Forces; Central Television and Radio Studio; content; Military Television of Ukraine; Youtube.

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