UDC 007:167.1
Qualification of Problems in the Discourse of Scientific Research
Romakh Oksana, PhD in Social Communications, Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.001.34 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Problems have not yet been the subject of research in the field of social communications, at the same time, in legislative acts it is stated that to obtain the scientific degrees of candidate of science (doctor of philosophy) and doctor of science, to provide master’s degree, the scientists should solve the problem (complex / systemic / complex respectively) in their researches. That is why the objective of the article is differentiation and qualification of the problem in the discourse of scientific researches.
The object is scientific researches related to the study of problemology, problems and systems. The subject is phenomenon of the problem. The methods of the research: discourse analysis and categorical analysis for clarifying the concepts of “problemology”, “problem”, “problem situation”, “system”; deduction and synthesis were used for creating their own definitions; modeling method to visualize the functioning of a systemic problem, the complex of problems and the structure of scientific research; extrapolation for providing examples; generalization for presentation of conclusions.
The article clarifies the definition of concepts, describes the variety of scientific problems and peculiarities of their solutions, provides recommendations related to selection of topics, methods of research and optimization of the structure of dissertations.
Keywords: types of problems; scientific research; structure of the thesis.
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