UDC 007:81’22:316.47
Semiotic Chora of a Landscape Detail in Journalism
Halych Valentyna, Doctor of Philology, Professor Department of Public Administration, Document Science and Information Activities National University of Water Services and Natural Resource Management
The demand for introduction of semiotic chora term to the scientific field of social and personal communication is motivated by the actuality of semiotic and cognitive scientific approaches in the contemporary journalistic theory. It draws partly the curtain over the intimate creative process preceding the pretext and generating the power of thought, that can be explained only by an appeal to personality of an author – his biography, mentality features, mental components and individual style. The semiotic chora in the discourse of social communications is examined for the first time.
The objective of the study is to prove rationality of the need of use of the chora term in the theory of social communications. The study’s task is to reveal the origin of the chora term and its evolution from antiquity to the present days; to trace the social-communicative content of the term; to specify the efficiency of use of semiotic chora in the theory of social and political journalism. The methods used in the study are following: terminological, comparativehistorical, narrative methods using techniques of systematization and scientific interpretation. A detailed examination of the chora concept, an evolution of its terminological significance from Plato to the present days, connected with complicated understanding of relationships of the pretext reality, the author, the text and the estranged creative product as a recipient’s achievement, opens social-communicative nature of semiotic chora. It allows talking about its efficiency in journalistic creativity, to announce the need of the theory of social communications research. An overview of different concepts of modern semiotics and chora researchers marked with post-structuralism trends of emphasizing on the process of marking, not the meaning, gave the opportunity to interpret the place of semiotic chora in the process of creating texts as a pretext, to point to vectors of its socialization (because it appeared from biological and social impulses to form an idea, to materialize it and to revive the word’s social memory). Taking into consideration the context of concepts connected with the semiotic chora and describing it (gene-text, phenotext, transfer, transverbalism, transhistoricity, anamnesis, intelligibility) promotes understanding of its features in journalistic creative work. The semiotic chora in journalistic work is a bundle of intellectual and emotional energy, mental and social impulses, provided with a plurality of meanings and social marked intentions, which precedes the pretext and the process of verbalization of conception. It also dynamicizes and manages the process of text creation, converts a medium into the status of a subject, an author of the conception, a narrator communicant. The chora is comprehended only by intellect and thought. Invisibility, uncertainty, constant state of motion and its “wandering” between connotations and chora’s spiritual nature constitute the foundation of its intelligibility. The choralogical method of analysis of landscape metaphors in journalism of the emigrant writer Vitaliy Bender reveals the spiritual potential of his creative work.
Keywords: social communications; journalism; Vitaliy Bender; semiotic chora; landscape detail; subject; process
of texts creating.
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