DOI: 10.17721/2522-1272.2023.84.8
UDC 007:001.891.32(510)”312”
Rigele Na, PhD student Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
As China-Ukraine relations gradually develop, China’s attention to Ukraine is increasing not only in the mainstream media, but also in the academic community. This article explores the multidimensional construct of perceptions and evaluations in the context of China’s scientific interest in Ukraine, examining how these dynamics play out at different levels in society in both countries. Using “Ukraine” as a key term, we retrieved from the China Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) (the most influential social science database in China) 114 relevant research articles published up to July 15, 2023. This research aims to identify the current state, prospects and trends of Chinese academic research in Ukraine in various disciplines. Content analysis and word frequency analysis using the ROST Wordparser text analyzer were used.
Analysis of CSSCI research results shows that the Ukrainian issue has become a subject of wide interest in the Chinese academic community. This comprehensive study enables us to understand the focus of China’s scientific interest in Ukraine, interdisciplinary interaction. By delving into the scientific contributions surrounding the Ukrainian issue, this study contributes to the improvement of mutual understanding between China and Ukraine, as well as scientific exchanges and the promotion of bilateral cooperation in various fields.
KEYWORDS: Chino-Ukrainian article; word frequency analysis; Content analysis.