Proper Names as a Heading for the Indexes Rubric in the Printed Book: Selection Criteria and Formulation Specificity


UDC 007:070:[655:002.2:001.815]:81’373.2

Proper Names as a Heading for the Indexes Rubric in the Printed Book: Selection Criteria and Formulation Specificity

Nataliia Blahovirna, PhD. (philol. sci), Associate Professor Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University,
Olena Kosheliuk PhD. (philol. sci), Associate Professor Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


The objective of the study is to clarify the criteria for selection of nominated denotations and the form for submission of proper names for indexes contained in the printed books of different functional types of literature, simultaneously with consistent conceptualization of representative publishing strategies.

Methods of the study. The research was conducted on the basis of books prepared for printing by the Ukrainian publishers, involving the issues of publishing theory, practice and editing, that reflected the contemporary theoretical reflection focused on interdisciplinarity. The use of the system method made it possible to correlate the best practices of editorics and onomastics. The critical analysis of the forms of index sections in book editions was conducted with the use of agreed theoretical constructs caused by the deduction method.

Results and conclusions. The theoretical generalizations of the study will cause the interpenetra-tion of approaches of editorics and onomastics in the context of multidimensional study of onyms, which will not only significantly increase understanding of the specifics of the areal functioning of onomasticon of the printed book, but will have a purely practical effect, since it will allow to understand more deeply the linguo-cognitive mechanisms of formation and func-tioning of proprial units, to understand more clearly the practice of establishing the lexical-semantic form of index sections, as well as the normative cases of use of inversion in formula-tion of index sections in book editions. The linguistic status of a nomen as a constituent of the subsidiaries and the index section has not been investigated at all, which is caused by the pe-riphery of onomasticon of the printed book in the general discourse of onomastics. The formula-tion specificity of index sections that include the onyms was studied for the first time, which determined its uniqueness, novelty and innovativeness.

KEYWORDS: apparatus of the book; index; rubric of proper names and subject index; onym; anthroponym.


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