UDC 007:654.197:174
DOI https://doi.org/10.17721/2522-1272.2019.74.4
Competence and Identification of Experts in the Context of Balance and Reliability Information Standards Implementation
Oleg Dzholos, PhD. (social communications), Institute of Journalism, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv
The urgency of the research of the issue related to implementation of journalistic standards by TV broadcasters in Ukraine is due to rapid development of information TV channels. These TV channels work in the format of conversation, when during broadcasting the audience can hear the thoughts of experts in order to implement the standards of opinions and views. At the same time the Ukrainian news journalism not always maintain the standards of information broadcasting. Along with this the standards of balance and reliability, separation of facts from opinions, completeness, accuracy and reliability of information are outlined most often in the editorial statutes of TV companies.
When analyzing the issue related to implementation of journalistic standards mentioned above, the author draws attention to the question of involvement of the experts into TV programs. The standard of balance of information or views and opinions means that all speakers can be heard on the conflict-related issues, in particular, those experts who have different point of views on the certain problem. The most part of things happening in Ukraine and in the world demands highly qualified comments from the specialists who are competent in the relevant issues. Such comments will ensure the standards of information broadcasting and the audience’s rights to obtain unbiased information.
Consequently it is concluded that captioning of experts that determines their duties, organizations or businesses they represent cannot be considered as advertisement. This information must be regarded as implementation of the standards of information reliability.
KEYWORDS: journalistic standards; reliability of information; balance of opinions; television; expert
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