UDC 007:070.133:174(510)
DOI https://doi.org/10.17721/2522-1272.2018.71.1
«Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists»: The Text and the Context
Volodymyr Vladymyrov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article has a purpose to understand in the first time in Ukraine the specifics of implementation of the ethical guides and practical experience, intended to be guided by journalistic corps of one of the superpowers of the world, which are new for the Ukrainian journalism studies.
The article continues to discover the theory and practice of Chinese media in Ukraine. Meanwhile, in the PRC, the dozens of institutes and faculties of journalism work on its creation and development, the research centers are in the office of the central committee of the Communist Party of China, the Academy of Social Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the PRC, the Ministry of Education and Universities. The media world of this country is being currently involved into a program of in-depth reforms aimed at making
the media closer to people, their problems, and abandoning the old communist propaganda. In the context of reforms, it is important not to miss the benchmarks, especially since the reforms, according to the CCP’s guidelines, should start “from the bottom” (but be guided by “from above”). One such a benchmark is called “Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists”, which is still unknown to Ukrainian scholars, journalists and the general public.
In addition, the ethics and practice of their implementation are of interest to Western (mostly English) scholarship. The research work on both the achievements and the problems of the Chinese mass media does not stop here. In the works of Western researchers, there is a constant interest of what social mechanisms guide the public opinion including professional ethics in this vast country, and how this sphere can be used in their own interests.
KEYWORDS: Chinese journalism, ethics of journalism, journalistic activity, media reform.
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