To the Question of Violation of Standards of News Broadcasting in the Telemarathon «Edyni Novyny»

DOI: 10.17721/2522-1272.2023.84.6  

UDC 654.19:070.431.2](477)

Maiia Nahorniak, Associated Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,


The main objective of this study was to find out the situation around the violation of news broadcasting standards of the Telemarathon «Edyni Novyny», as well as to attempt to establish the causes of this phenomenon.

Research work involved the use of such methods – observation, the study of empirical material, content analysis, analysis, generalization, descriptive.

Among the violations of news broadcasting standards, we distinguish the following: mixing facts and comments, references to dubious sources and the authorship of anonymous opinion, which is associated with non-compliance with the standard of reliability, uniformity of the genre palette, poor representation of cultural and artistic topics.

The mixing of facts and opinions leads to a complete loss of essentially new information, blurring of factual fullness, dominance of the spectrum of comments, which means one thing – such news is rather conditional. The high frequency of use of some genres and the low frequency of use of others cause uniformity of news content. Poor presentation of news from the field of culture and art may indicate a stereotype about the organization of material of different thematic orientation.

The reasons for violation of standards are superficial understanding by creative employees of TV channels of the basic concepts of news journalism – «fact» and «commentary», unreasonable attempts to express their attitude to the events of the surrounding reality, lack of specialized knowledge on the basic principles of television and radio production, inability to work with sources of information. In general, these reasons are rooted in the low professional level of journalists of the Telemarathon «Edyni Novyny».

The results of the study are important for correcting the content of journalism education in general and teaching the basics of television and radio production in particular.

KEYWORDS: telemarathon «Edyni Novyny»; news broadcasting; broadcasting standards.

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