10.17721/2522-1272.2022.81.9 (DOI)
UDC 070.422:355/359
Natalia Bukіna, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, the Faculty of International Relations National Aviation University,
0000-0002-5993-6562 (ORCID)
The scientific study should encourage to solve the problem of development of the genre of military reporting in the modern Ukrainian media and education of journalists, who are specialized in this theme, creation of appropriate trainings and retraining courses. It is military correspondents who have the opportunity and are obliged not only to inform through their materials, but also to raise the next generation. The usual characteristics of reporting: promptness, objectivity, dynamic presentation and balanced conciseness are only intensified when it deals with specific military reports. The objective of the article is to ascertain the genre peculiarities of the modern military report.
Theoretical basis. I. Prokopenko, one of the founders of genreology dealt with the problems of reporting skills. M. Vasylenko wrote and published a significant number of articles related to the problems of genre development. It is worth to mention the scientific publications of R. Radchyk, O. Pidlutskyi.
Research methods. The article has used a historical and a comparative method, that allowed to show the dynamics of genre development for the last few decades. A separate comparative method was useful when it was necessary to determine the degree of moral and information influence on the reader, in terms of using the latest techniques for coverage of factual material. The method of genre-thematic differentialization was used in the genre definition of individual materials, where the reporting part was inferior to analytics or the interview genre dominated etc.
Conclusions. A special course of military journalism should be introduced at the universities where journalism is studied; to invite the reporters who have already visited the front to give lectures and to conduct practical classes; to writу a column, where military reporters will perform with the materials in the periodicals, both printed and electronic ones. The scientific studies and scientific searches in the field of military journalism should be activated.
KEYWORDS: reporter; information genres; war; personnel; newspaper.