Internet Radio: Past and Present

UDC 007:004.738.5:654.195


Internet Radio: Past and Present

Bozhena Ikaliuk, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The main objectives of the study are development, establishment and peculiar workings of Internet radio broadcasting. The study describes the main historical stages of evolution of Internet radio stations in Ukraine and throughout the world. The new data as to specifics of national Internet radio is given in the context of generalized experience of online radio stations in the United States, Europe, Canada. The peculiarities of their development and general principles of online radio broadcasting are described in the article. The study is based on the researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, also the news media and network radio programs were used. The methodology of the research includes the principles of cultural-historical, historical-typological and systematic approach and the methods of synthesis, analysis and generalization.

At the stage of development of information society, the emergence of new mass media has become an impetus for emergence of new processes of media convergence, which we can consider as a special environment of professional journalist activity. Today the new requirements of media industry are worked out as to professional and personal skills of radio journalist that actualizes the need for theoretical and practical understanding of radio broadcasting development in the Internet.

Thus, the main features of network radio were ascertained, that made it possible to characterize the network radio broadcasting as a new modern media. The results of the study show that the evolution of Internet radio in Ukraine is similar to development of the world online radio broadcasting, and the prospects of world radio are connected with Internet development and traditional distribution of acoustic information.

KEYWORDS: radio journalism; online radio stations; Internet radio; convergence; multimedia.


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