Issue 71
Internet Radio: Past and Present
UDC 007:004.738.5:654.195 DOI Internet Radio: Past and Present Bozhena Ikaliuk, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The main objectives of the study are...
Perspectives for Development of Portrait Interview Genre in Internet (the Case of the Program “Ze Interv’iuer”/“The Interviewer” by A. Yatsechko)
UDC 007:004.738.5:82-1-9 DOI Perspectives for Development of Portrait Interview Genre in Internet (the Case of the Program “Ze Interv’iuer”/“The Interviewer” by A. Yatsechko) Natalya Berezii, Master Student, Institute of...
Specific Features of «Deutsche Welle» Activities in the Context of Program Strategy Changes, 2014–2021
UDC 007:654.195(430) DOI Specific Features of «Deutsche Welle» Activities in the Context of Program Strategy Changes, 2014–2021 Amaliia Arutiunian, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of...
National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media
UDC 007:81`42:[397:659.123.5 +2.019.51](477) DOI National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media Alina Rudchenko, PhD Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv...
Public Sector as a Leading Player in the Modern Field of Media Education Activity
UDC 007:[37.016:[070 + 004]:061.2] DOI Public Sector as a Leading Player in the Modern Field of Media Education Activity Olha Harmatiy, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» ABSTRACT The main objectives...
Public History in Professional Journalism Training (on the Example of Zaporizhzhia City)
UDC 007:304:001 DOI Public History in Professional Journalism Training (on the Example of Zaporizhzhia City) Olena Semenets, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Zaporizhzhia National University ABSTRACT The main objective of...
«Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists»: The Text and the Context
UDC 007:070.133:174(510) DOI «Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists»: The Text and the Context Volodymyr Vladymyrov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of...